Put yourself in an interviewer’s shoes. Imagine having to speak with dozens of candidates and finding that most of them were unqualified, unprepared, and uncommitted to making a good impression. This is the circumstance that many interviewers face. Now imagine that you knew exactly what an interviewer wanted to hear. You would instantly stand apart from other candidates and demonstrate your respect for the recruitment process. Before your next interview, follow these tips.
Why You?
You can talk about your education and experience all day, but more than anything else, your interviewer wants to know why you are the right candidate for the job. Rehearse your answer in advance, and focus on tangible qualities rather than trite or unprovable claims.
Dress Professionally
Even if you are the perfect candidate, your interviewer wants to see that you have prepared for the interview by dressing appropriately. This demonstrates that you understand professional norms and are doing everything to put your best face forward.
Keep Your Answers Succinct
Long, drawn out replies are a waste of the interviewer’s time and make you look like you are evading the point. Provide the necessary information, and don’t be afraid to let your personality show a little bit, but don’t expect interviewers to listen to your entire biography.
Answer Directly
Rehearse your answers in advance, but when you get to the interview, make sure you answer the question that was asked and not the one you expected to be asked. Canned, evasive, or indirect answers only annoy interviewers and reflect poorly on your critical thinking skills.
Research the Company
You may have been on a dozen interviews, but don’t act like they are all interchangeable. Research the company you are interviewing with so that you can tailor your answers to their needs and circumstances. Taking this step shows initiative and immediately makes your answers more relevant.
Prepare a Question
If the interviewer gives you the opportunity to ask a question, make sure you have something prepared. Failure to ask can make you seem disengaged, and it is in your incentive to get as much information as possible while you have an expert in front of you. However, avoid subjecting the interviewer to an interview of your own.
Above all, respect that recruitment is a difficult process for everyone. The interviewer may hold the power, but that doesn’t mean their job is easy. To learn more about interviewing successfully, access the wealth of resources available from Selectek.