Professionals understand the value of following up after an interview, but there is often confusion about just how and when follow-up should occur. Following up shows you are persistent and passionate about a position, but you must walk a fine line. Following up overzealously can make you look pushy, but lack of follow-up makes you seem uninterested. Use these post-interview tips to follow up like the consummate professional you are.
When to Start Your Follow-Up Strategy
You lay the groundwork for follow-up while you’re still in the hot seat. Before you leave the interview, you should always ask the hiring manager what the next steps will be and what the timeline is for those steps. This way, you have a framework for following up appropriately while also showing the interviewer that you are genuinely interested in the position.
Always Send Thank-You Notes (Fast)
As soon as possible, sit down and write thank-you notes to everyone who interviewed you. It pays to write two types of notes. Email, which will be sent immediately, and handwritten notes that will arrive a few days later, reinforcing your fitness for and interest in the position. Both the emails and the handwritten notes should be personalized to the individual you are addressing, so they know you put time and thought into the message. This takes a little extra effort, but it’s worth it to be the candidate who took the time to say thank you.
Connect on LinkedIn
After you send thank-you notes, log on to LinkedIn and make connections with all the people you met during your interview. Even if they don’t choose you for the position, you can make some new connections out of the process and those connections may be worthwhile in the future.
Check in Appropriately
Once you’ve completed those steps, the waiting game begins. Patience is critical during this gap because you never want to come across as pushy or desperate. Make note of the date the hiring manager said she would get back to you and wait one business day past that date before reaching out. If the hiring manager was unable to give you a timeline, wait at least five business days before checking in. Choose one method of communication – either phone or email – leave a short and friendly message and leave it at that.
Hiring timelines often change, and you don’t want to be too pushy during the decision-making process. If you don’t hear anything, wait five more business days and then check in briefly again. If you hear nothing after that, odds are you probably are not going to get the position. During your “waiting period,” make sure you’re continuing your search so you don’t lose momentum if you don’t land that job.
If you are an engineer seeking new opportunities to grow your career and you’re ready to work with a professional recruiter to accelerate your search, contact the Atlanta engineering recruiting experts at Selectek today.